Thursday, June 30, 2016

The official launch of 'Even Greater Things' ; plus, attend church to live longer!


Welcome to the official launching of Even Greater Things! Even Greater Things is a subsidiary of ALV & Co.! At Even Greater Things, we set our face(s) like a flint [Isaiah 50:7 NIV] "to teach and sing the word of God!" We won't do any singing, right away! We are a little rusty, you see! But; please, bear with us! We will get there!

As a 57-year-old African-American woman who rarely has a sick day, I am getting over a case of poison ivy. Yes, you heard that right! "How did that happen," you might ask? The poison ivy was; was being the operative word, in the middle of a gardenia bush! You can bet your bottom dollar, it was not set out with that bush!

I was clipping gardenias to place in vases for the house. I saw what I thought were weeds. I clipped away, since I had the scissors in hand, and it was Memorial Day. Twenty-four hours later, a red rash began to appear on my inner left arm. I happened to be with a doctor at the time. She did ask me about it. I thought they were heat bumps, and shrugged. Wrong; and twice, no less!

As the rash spread, it began to itch --- like the dickens! Mom informed me that it was poison ivy. I thought, "I will be switched! This would be the day that I would decide to wear short sleeves and shorts, while working out in the yard!"

It's better now; but, I would not wish such a thing upon my greatest adversary! Summer will all but be gone before my skin looks like usual...

This being a teachable moment and all, I was reminded...

1)  For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable. He never withdraws them once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call [Romans 11:20 AMPC]...

2)  Tares are among the wheat [Matthew 13:24-30 NIV]...

3)  Some have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof [2 Timothy 3:4-7 KJV]...

4)  Get skillful and godly wisdom! Acquire understanding, actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation! Do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth [Proverbs 4:5 KJV]...

5)  Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established [Proverbs 16:3 ESV]...

I know that's right! I will not be persuaded otherwise! By the yeahs, or by the nays! By the supporters, or by the distractors! They will come, and they will go! From near, and from far! Ask me how I know!!! Nevertheless; my friend, it is His faithfulness that I depend upon! Not mine, and not yours! His!

It's often been said that women are the backbone of the church. I couldn't agree more. Now it can be said that women who attend church live longer! Well; now, I wonder why that is? There could be a myriad of reasons; but to keep it simple, we need God! And look at the benefits! My, my, my!

Enough for now!

Bless 'ya!

Happy Thursday ; Happy July 4th ; Happy Summer!



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital] magazine is coming your way, whenever!

ALV & Co., 'The Gold Standard!'
"I am a king and a priest unto thee..." Revelation 1:6

Angela L Vann, Ms   |   Far Above Rubies   |   O My Dove      

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