Friday, June 28, 2019

The Pursuit of Excellence


If we are not pursuing excellence, we are not living life as it was intended to be lived! Potential goes on and on and on and on and on! Ask Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Paul, and John! They contributed to The Kingdom of Heaven here on earth until their last days!

Excellence amounts to surpassing expectations, long story short. Are we to just do our best? Hardly! Our best can fluctuate from day to day. We are to go beyond the daily grind to the something more, with as much determination as we can muster, at every possible turn! 

Jesus was all about excellence, although He did not carry on about it. He went about "doing good [Acts 10:8 KJV]!" Excellence was a part of His DNA!

Excellence is more than a state of mind! It is a spirit [Proverbs 17:27 KJV ; Daniel 5:12 KJV ; Daniel 6:3 KJV]!

If we have Christ, we have His DNA! If we have His DNA, we have His Spirit! If we have His Spirit, we too have the Spirit of Excellence! 

Let us tap into the genius of His creativity! He did a mighty lot of creating [Genesis KJV], if you ask me! He is witty [Proverbs 8:12 KJV] ; He gives "the power to get wealth [Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV]!"

What in heaven's name are  we waiting for?

"Happy July 4th Week!"



*Translations and scriptures; if used, are taken from Bible Gateway.

ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"

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Friday, June 7, 2019

Little faith, little compassion




It is all one and the same, isn't it?


Faith cometh out of an abiding relationship, one with another. Compassion cometh out of a unique  sense of understanding, one to another. Both point to "light, and life [John 1:4 NIV ; 2 Timothy 1:10 NIV]!" Or; as I liken it, to beliefs + actions!

How can it be that we would serve others in some capacity; in utter if not, total disbelief of God and His ability to move on the hearts of man? God has given us the faith, and compassion to see others through His eyes [John 14:12 NIV]! It requires effort. Diligent effort. Effort through prayer (and fasting), studying the Word of God, and spending time in His presence. One must not cancel out the other. It can if we are not careful.

Lord, help us to see and understand Who and What you are. Always, and in every situation! Only then can we do what You did, and more! In Jesus' name, Amen!

"Happy Weekend!"



*Translations and scriptures; if used, are taken from Bible Gateway. The word study is taken from Bible Study Tools.

ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms  |  Far Above Rubies  |  I Adorned Yu  |  I Style Yu 

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